Key points
Students of Technology In Politics (STIP) is a city council party in Delft with a young, refreshing vision of everything that happens in the city. According to STIP, knowledge is the strength of Delft, and therefore the knowledge economy and supporting entrepreneurs are central to STIP. STIP is committed to a lively city, where there is always something to do. A city that is not held back by unnecessary rules and where sustainability is about smart sustainability.
Action on sustainability!
It's time for action! The municipality is not achieving its goals on sustainability. As far as STIP is concerned, the municipality must take charge. This means that Delft should show the way for organisations and people living in Delft in the energy transition, climate adaptation and towards circularity. To make it specific: Delft is going to insulate, install solar panels, plant trees, stop using gas and use waste as raw materials. Everything now! We provide a future for our children and enjoy a cleaner and greener Delft today.

Build for the future!
Everyone deserves a home. The current housing shortage requires smart solutions. The most important step is to start building more. To do so, we want to reach for the skies and build higher. By making it possible to convert big houses into student housing again and helping elderly leave their big family homes and move to smaller homes there will be more room for students, starters and families. This way, Delft is a home for everyone!

Vibrant city!
Through years of cutbacks, there are less and less fun things to do in Delft. STIP wants Delft to be alive! Culture connects people and makes the city a nice place to live or visit. Therefore, we want to make more room for events, build an extra club and pop stage and make the expansion of the terraces during covid permanent. We will also liven up Delft with street-art such as graffiti and murals.

Delft, city of knowledge and innovation!
With technology education at all levels and the best startup incubator in Europe, Delft is the technology capital of the Netherlands. By investing in our knowledge-based economy, we ensure that everyone in our growing city can find a job. That is why we help new companies to start and scale up. Innovations from Delft are applied in Delft first. This way, Delft will become a leader in IT, quantum and biotech!

Bicycles first!
There is limited space in Delft and we want to reduce emissions. The solution? We focus on space-efficient and sustainable transport. That’s why we give the bicycle, public transport and shared mobility priority. We widen bike paths and separate them from car lanes. We also provide enough bicycle sheds and bike racks!